Race: Devil
Abilites: Unknown (she doesn't even have a spellcard)
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Patchouly's Library Assistant
Location: Library of Scarlet Devil Mansion
Very little is known about Koakuma, and unless he makes another appearance she may remain a mystery. What is known is that he looks around the library during the incident Scarlet Devil Mansion Embodiment Scarlet Devil. Apparently he lived in the palace. This character was originally no official name. Fans have named her "Koakuma", which means "Little Devil" or "Imp". Zun then confirmed this name in an interview, though. In most fiction, he described a very obedient, stable and good-hearted, and vice versa for Zun's official profile. This personality is recognized before Zun answer that question, and it is one extraordinary example of fan-made profiles are accepted by most. and btw, some fans have made a really good sprite in the Mugen fighting game as you can see in this vid, although it took some of the moves Tenshi Hinanai / sprite.